Infinity II – § 281

The extent to which the conscious realization of cosmic attractions remains undeveloped is evident in human creativity. Toward what are efforts being directed? In what channel are all strivings gathered? By what impulse is humanity moved? Let us manifest understanding. Usually man dissipates his energy in an aimless striving to a vegetative life, excluding himself from the cosmic chain. Therefore, We say that a man can create his own world as a part of the World Community or become a link with the Cosmos and thus become a cosmic co-worker. Thus, striving brings one to Infinity.


This paragraph emphasizes the possibility for the human beings to create their own world as a part of the World Community or become a link with the Cosmos and then becoming cosmic coworkers. The two goals are not opposite: the first one can be a first step, but not the final goal. Therefore, our planet cannot be considered the only, final “home” of humanity.